I don’t remember which one of the authors I follow recommended this one, but I am forever in their debt.
This historical fantasy is set in South America, as two young women try to reconcile their magic while finding where they can belong. Romero-Lacruz seems to effortlessly capture the rebellion of youth that’s tempered with missteps and the search for wholeness.
The world is described so richly that I can see the monsters, the family homes, and the women kidnapped to make a legend come true. Truthfully, there’s a touch of horror and goth sprinkled throughout the journey, and the characters are written in such a way that you’re not entirely sure who you should become attached to.
In so many ways this feels like a modern parable, complete with diversity and morality (but not in the way you expect). While it’s a dense read, it’s memorable, unique, and heart-wrenching. Consider me hooked.
Characters 5
Story 5
World-Building 5
Spice 2
Diversity 5
Total Stars: 5
Would I buy this book for myself or a friend? Yes
Will I recommend this book to readers? Yes